Directed at freelance designers, but useful for any freelancer or entrepreneur!
Spoiler: Bad feedback is (usually) on you — the freelancer — and not your clients.
TL;DR - Know which category best suits your business, and know what best practices come with that tax category.
Charge what you're worth. Don't spend energy and time on people who won't spend it on you.
Moving from just "telling your story", to connecting with your audience on an emotional level.
Improve how you communicate your own project, and share this with clients to help them communicate their brief to you!
PS: Always think for yourself. ᐧ ◡ ᐧ
PS: Always think for yourself. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
And they're probably not what you'd think they are.
Spoiler: I don't find them while I'm looking for them!