2024 Freelancer Wrapped

(This isn't a copyrighted trend, right?????)

OK OK OK, I couldn’t help myself. I thought of one funny example for a freelancer’s version of Spotify Wrapped — and a few hours later, we’re here… Yes, I’m bandwagoning on the trend; yes, I know it’s lazy; yes, we get it, it’s fine, we’re doing this anyway.


The end of the year is here (aside: wtf?), and I thought it might be fun to look at gig economy / freelancing going from 2024 into 2025: A mix of trends, lessons, and predictions that shaped 2024 and will shape 2025.

Spoiler: The future’s looking bold, innovative, and a little chaotic (but that’s how we like it, right?).

Most Played Track of 2024: AI Did It Faster

Artificial intelligence exploded onto the freelance scene a couple of years ago already, but it’s become even more present this year.

ChatGPT, MidJourney, and Canva’s AI suite became the ultimate collaborators for creatives and freelancers alike... But here’s the catch: While AI accelerated workflows, it also sparked an existential crisis. How do we stay relevant? How do I make sure I don’t just get replaced by AI tooling?

By leaning into what AI (still) can’t do (for now) — the nuanced, human, emotional connection that clients crave — freelancers still have the upper-hand, and can still be totally irreplaceable.

💡 Pro Tip: Embrace AI as your assistant, not your replacement. Use it to clear the grunt work and focus on high-value, creative tasks that make you indispensable.

Top Genre: Remote Collaboration

The gig economy is going ever-more global.

Remote collaboration tools like Slack, Notion, Figma, and Loom makes it easier than ever to work with clients across continents. But with this comes challenges: Time-zone tango, asynchronous communication hurdles, and cultural nuances.

What’s Next? In 2025, I reckon we can expect more virtual co-working innovations —think better online meetings, AI-powered scheduling tools, and digital events that prioritise connection and minimise screen-time.

Longest Track: Convincing Ourselves We Can Charge More

Freelancers finally started seeing their worth this year, but the psychological hurdle of raising rates? That’s a tough one. Yet, those who took the leap often found clients respected them more — and that higher pay came with better boundaries and more fulfilling work.

For 2025: The shift towards value-based pricing will continue. As the urgency and need for high-quality output increases (especially in a world littered with mediocre AI content), clients are going to care a lot less about hours, and a lot more about outcomes.

💡 Pro Tip: Position yourself as a partner delivering results, rather than a vendor logging hours.

Fan Favourite: More Flexibility

This year, flexibility reigned supreme. Isn’t it great being able to work from an AirBnb this week, and at your parents’ house in Greece the next?

Even if travelling that much isn’t feasible for all freelancers, flexibility also means choosing when you work and what you work on… and that, my friends, is priceless.

However, let’s not sugarcoat it: Flexibility sometimes comes at the cost of a stable income. And that’s what to look out for in 2025.

Trend Watch: Companies are opening up to the idea of retainer-based pricing for contract workers, especially if you have worked with them before and can prove you deliver real value. This is a great solution to bring a littler more stability into your business, without selling your soul to a full-time position.

Most Skipped Track: Work-for-Exposure Requests

If you’ve been in freelancing long enough, you’ve heard it: “This project will give you great exposure.” In 2024, the collective eye-roll from freelancers could be felt globally. The consensus? Exposure doesn’t pay the bills — period.

2025 Vision: This trend isn’t going anywhere. But as more freelancers unite through communities and networks, expect a stronger pushback against unpaid labour and a shift towards projects that respect freelancers’ time.

Rising Star: The Return of the Generalist

While previous years have been all about niche expertise, 2025 is bringing the generalist back.

When budgets are low, and AI is on the rise, companies are looking for freelancers who can handle multiple facets of a project — a bit of design, a dash of strategy, and some killer copywriting to tie it all together. And this is all doable for freelancers who become AI-powered.

Advice: Broaden your skillset strategically. Find complementary skills that make you a one-stop shop for clients who value versatility. And make sure you are schooling yourself on AI.

💡 Pro Tip: I have a course focused on helping freelancers become AI-powered professionals. If you’re interested, pop me an-email and I’ll add you to early access. No upfront commitment required.

Top Charting Tools: Canva, ChatGPT, and Notion

This year, freelancers leaned hard into tools that streamlined their workflows.

Canva’s AI features redefined design; Notion became the headquarters for managing chaotic projects; and ChatGPT… well, you already know the magic (and if not: wtf?).

2025 Forecast: Tools will only get smarter. Keep an eye on emerging platforms that blend AI with hyper-personalised features for freelancers. A great list to sign up to (for free) is There's An AI For That. They are always adding cool new AI tools to their databased, and you can customise the kinds you want to hear about.

B-Side Favourite: Offline Networking Still Works!

In a digital-first world, in-person connections proved their staying power. From local meetups to industry conferences, freelancers who invested in face-to-face networking often found themselves landing bigger, better projects.

💡 Pro Tip: Combine online presence with IRL connections. Attend that conference. Host a local workshop. Shake a few hands (or bump elbows). You’ll stand out in ways a LinkedIn DM never could.

Most Shazamed Trend: Mastering Personal Branding

Branding, branding, branding.

2024 was the year freelancers (finally) realised they’re not just workers; they’re brands.

From polished portfolios to compelling online content, freelancers who nailed their personal branding stood out in an increasingly crowded market. No really, this shit works.

Action Step: In 2025, take your brand to the next level. Tell a story that makes clients say, “I want to work with them, specifically.” If you’re asking how: here’s a post I wrote on what to tell, and here’s a post I wrote on how to tell it.

Your 2025 Preview Track: AI Augmentation, Not Replacement

Here’s the thing about the rise of AI: It really isn’t here to take your job, unless you sit back and let it.

AI is here to make your job better and more fun — and freelancers who embrace AI as a tool for augmentation, and not just annoying competition, are going to thrive in 2025.

So, as we head into the new year, let’s remember: Freelancing is about evolution, not perfection. The tools change. The trends shift. But the core remains: Freelancers are creatives, innovators, and the ones shaping the future of work.

2025? Let’s make it a banger. 🍻


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